Logo Design Blog

Question: Can you brand a company using numbers? Answer: Affirmative. Numbers are strong symbols that we can understand without having to read an actual word. You write for example "1" and your mind automatically reads "one". This is a strong asset in a world that's full speed ahead and the time to read and memorize things is very tight.

We've all seen great logo designs posted last year and because we're still close to 2010 we've decided to showcase some exceptional logo designs featuring animals. Enjoy!

As a logo designer I like to keep an eye on the corporate world and the high end visual identity development. The case studies of those identities are a handbook from which there's so much to learn as a designer. Among the websites I like to keep in touch with are Tony Spaeth's Identity Works, Brand New and Behance. They post updates and reviews on corporate, famous and big budget identity programs and their insights are always pertinent and relevant. For this post I was thinking to make a selection of great logo redesign programs that were undertaken in 2010 and are worth mentioning as they are a source for logo design inspiration and design trend setters. Most of the logos are to be found on the websites mentioned with in-depth analysis. Take a look at these logo redesigns and I'm sure that, like myself, you'll find them a great source of inspiration.

Sometimes the white space, or the negative space speaks more than the touch of a designer's pen or mouse. Smart designers work not only with the stroke of color, but also with the empty space around or in between it. It amazes me sometimes what logo designers achieve by designing around the negative space. I've selected some very smart logo designs posted here on The Logo Mix that make you understand more than you can actually see. In those cases what you don't see is what you should actually get. Some of those logos we are able to understand quickly being more "in your face", while others, even if they seem obvious to the trained designer's eye, they are harder to get from the first glance and take a longer time to stare at them to see everything the designer has to transmit.

Cold!? There's nothing better on a winter day, than a hot drink. Bellow there's a nice selection of hot drinks logos, to warm you up a bit.

Enjoy :)

Being organized is a must for a logo designer, especially when dealing with clients that are hectic and all over the place. When dealing with such a client, unless you want to go on forever with the logo design process you must have some procedures in place. Any client will appreciate a well structured logo design process, it will help both the client and the designer to focus on the important things, the things that will get to a satisfying result for both parties.

We've put together a check list that is easy to follow and will give you all the premises to successfully complete a logo design process.

Happy New Year everyone from us here at The Logo Mix. We wish everyone, including ourselves, a successful new year. So stay tuned and get inspired!

For the upcoming year The Logo Mix team has prepared a series of good surprises that we'll unveil shortly, things that, we hope, will make your visits at The Logo Mix even more pleasant and inspiring.