NAMIBIA Business Innovation Centre (NBIC) is calling the public to participate in its logo design competition.
You can design a logo for the NBIC as a drawing or computer generated graphic in full colour. It must be accompanied by a brief explanation and description of the logo and must reflect and define the purpose of the NBIC.
All logos, descriptions, entry forms and proof of identity can be submitted to Leonard Imene at the Polytechnic of Namibia, e-mailed to [email protected], faxed to +264 61 207 2051 or posted to Private Bag 13388, Windhoek.
The closing date for the competition is August 20 and 20 semi-finalists will be notified on August 31 after which the three winners will be announced on September 3.
First prize winner will walk away with an ACER ONE A150 notebook, the second prize winner will get N$1,500 while the third prize winner will receive N$500.
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