logo design software

In the logo design world, there used to be a consensus. The de facto standard software for creating logo designs was Adobe Illustrator. There was a good reason for this: there was no real alternative to Illustrator on neither Windows or Mac platforms.

Many logo designers were surprised to hear about the move Adobe has made recently, when they've decided to bet hard on the Creative Cloud versus the traditional software distribution model. The idea behind is that you no longer own the software but you rent it to do your job. This shift has its ups and downs. However, the purpose of this article is not to debate on whether Adobe's move is a good or a bad one. It rather is to sieze the opportunity to explore the other available options out there in terms of vector illustration.

Sometimes you need to play to get the creative juices flowing. Even the simplest idea  can give you a boost in the creative process especially when used to the potential. So i was thinking to go back in time to elementary school and work with an idea that we used to play with back then. We are going to create a butterfly logo out of paint.